TinySeed's 2019 Batch Funding Announcement: Reimbi

Today we’re delighted to announce the next company in our 2019 accelerator batch: Reimbi founded by David Heller (Portland, Oregon, USA) and Paul Trojanowski (Kielce, Poland).

Reimbi was built to address the difficult and lengthy process of reimbursing job candidates for interview expenses. The founders have developed unique expertise in B2C payments using networks like Venmo and Paypal, and in optimizing the reimbursement experience for candidates. Launched in September 2017, Reimbi helps their customers provide an exceptional candidate experience and saves hundreds of hours of work each month.

Paul’s full stack development skills and David’s experience in B2B product management and working in large organizations (including eight years in the US Army) have allowed them to quickly gain traction in enterprises across industries and geographies. This knowledge allows them to punch above their weight and has attracted an enviable list of clients, including: Waste Management, Bridgewater, Kimberly-Clark, and Peloton.

Reimbi joins Castos in our inaugural 2019 accelerator batch. Stay tuned for more announcements over the next few weeks.


TinySeed's 2019 Batch Funding Announcement: Summit


Introducing the First Company in TinySeed’s 2019 Batch: Castos